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  • Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

It is very clear to the knowledgeable that people get what they are worth. Oh yeah! You get exactly what you deserve irrespective of what you think you are worth or what you think you deserve, the unbiased universe would always give to you what you are really worth and what you actually deserve. The tautology is so that this sinks into your subconscious and conscious mind. Simply put, if you want more, worth more.
Narrowing this down to your finances, it is simply greed for an employee to want his/her employer to pay them more for doing the same job. If you want to be paid more, become something more. Be more than the employee who comes to the office at the expected time, does exactly what he is routinely required to do and leaves at the time he is told to leave. If you recall vividly, that routine was attached to an amount when you got hired and you agreed to it so you’ll be paid exactly that amount as long as you do exactly that routine so it is very wrong to continue to do exactly the same activities or even less and want more pay. Acquire the skill and knowledge of something extra you can do (it doesn’t even have to be something extraordinary, it could be something ordinary probably from your daily routine that you begin to do in an extraordinary manner) and apply what you have learnt. Only you will be able to tell of the differences you will begin to experience.
Mind you, you must stick to your new skill; persevere because smart people want to know how genuine you are so they want to watch you for some time and even test you as the case may be just to know if you are putting up an act that will not last. And believe it or not, your employer which may be a person, a system or the universe is smart because if not for anything, they are able to provide a means of exchange for your time and effort with money, without which you’ll probably be sitting at home feeling useless with yourself so you want to play your cards to get their favour on your side and the best way like I have just told you is to worth more. No one can ignore a relevant person. So, acquire skill and knowledge about what you want to do or are already doing, apply the things you have learnt and very importantly, stick to it. Be very mindful that change, even when it’s within yourself erupts some opposition/questioning at the beginning but these eventually give way to perseverance. Again, stick to it.
In the same way, this principle goes for every sphere of life including business, any form of business. You want to make more sales, you want to attract more, quality investors and business partners, and you want more people to buy your ideas? Just worth more. Worthing more gives you a different edge over your competitors and difference is variety and variety is the spice of life. Let’s face it, routine is boring so why not run routine with an edge of excitement (difference) to it. When you do this, you will amazingly realize the large number of people who are also looking to spice up their routine because your new skill will attract them to you and they will be willing to give whatever it takes to associate with relevance and this is the same in every sphere of life.
A very practical example with lessons that can be applied to every other thing you do. Let’s say ‘I sell cupcakes at a primary school in my area and sales were just as normal as the two other kiosks in the school but I wanted something different, I wanted more. So, I began to make butter icing of a variety of colors which I use to write my customers’ name on their cupcake before handing it over to them. The results were amazing for though I was selling at the same price, I was selling more and more as the days rolled by. I was excited by this and I acquired more knowledge and skill of some more different things I can do and was wowed when parents of these kids started ordering in mass for parties and even for their work place and as surprise delivery to loved ones because my cupcakes started to pass special messages to people.
Thinking of how to acquire skill and knowledge? Ask questions either by reading books, searching online or inquiring from those who know. I know you will not pass up the opportunity to make a difference in your life, job or business today. WORTH MORE.
Quote: Your Network determines your Networth.

Thursday 12 June 2014

I’m addressing you if you are not part of the majority that work and are comfortable with the status quo, if you have failed severally but want to change that, if everything around you seems to be going against your inner calling, if you have achieved a little and are hungry for more, if you know who you are tired of living below your level, if the bureaucracy around you is stifling your efforts, if you know you were born to win. Its time to take responsibility.
This is a call to be the player in the soccer game of your life. In Olakunle Soriyan’s words, there can be no surviving without building formidable structures. Far from physical structures, there is need to build your personal self to suit your ascribed title, WINNER. It’s not just in your words,  it is in your thinking pattern. Only those who dare to think differently (they are in minority) would achieve. The change of your thought pattern is the beginning of character formation. So watch how you think. Who and what are the custodians of your mind? Do you need to change those custodians? Can you not be the custodian of your own mind?
Listen to the people around you. They are all heaping the blame on someone or something else. They always have an excuse, it’s either the government, or their parents or their boss or their ‘nature’ or something else. It is never their fault. This type of thinking is the beginning of your stagnation. If you want to win as you were born to you must take responsibility for yourself, your actions, your words, your thoughts. Have the final say about what goes into you because that is what will come out of you.
You don’t have a job, you are not earning enough, your business is not doing well, you are not happy, you did not get promoted, you are not getting your desired result? Its all about YOU. Change
Begin with changing your thinking pattern, learn to see things differently and watch yourself move closer daily to your dream. Before you condemn or accept anything, think about it in another way, it might be the door to your next level. An excellent thinking pattern will always show you the places you need to improve upon and channel your efforts to for things to work out for you. It never allows you to lay blames on anything or anyone else.
Only a few of you would dare to not accept fallaciously what the present custodian of your mind will try to infuse into you next and you are the ones boarding the train to your freedom in every sense of the word. Would you deny yourself this privilege?
Word for the week:
it’s my fault, not the governments’, not my parents’ not the system and I will change it.
Meet you on your way to change your financial status as you check out our opportunity page (by clicking on the words ‘opportunity page’ in the … above) remember, this is only for winners, Download this Life-Changing document now  if you are one or have decided to join the winning team.